About Mike Hudson

About Mike Hudson

Welcome to, a tribute to the remarkable life and accomplishments of Mike Hudson.

The day my friend Mike Hudson died, half the aggravation in my world disappeared. As did half the laughs. That was Hud. He was maddening to know, yet a terrific guy. You’re not supposed to make great friends at my advanced age. Mike was a great friend.

At his eulogy I said he was far from perfect, yet the perfect contradiction. He was a paramedic who hated hospitals. He did Covid containment for television production, including Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, yet didn’t believe in vaccinations. He might have graduated high school yet was the best writer I ever read. He was a made-to-order, bottom-feeding, unmade bed force of nature, and maybe the most interesting person I ever met. When he passed, we were all crushed. Now, we simply miss him every day. is meant to be an open-source repository of Hud’s work, a place where friends of Mike can come to reflect, learn, laugh, and maybe shed a tear. You’ll find videos, podcasts, Hud’s articles, and more. We encourage you to participate. Please send us your video or tales of Hud. His life was remarkable, and so were his friends. Mike collected people, from all from his different careers…Dive Safety Medic on Discovery Shark Week Productions, Ocean Rescue Chief in Sea Bright, NJ, Covid Containment Specialist/Entrepreneur, and teller of “you won’t believe” seriously true tall tales.

So look around, learn and be entertained by the irreplaceable Mike Hudson. Please, send us your photos, videos and memories that honor “The Last Genuine Article”. And spread the word, so HUD wilth always live with us here.

Rob Maloney